To enable personal achievement and progression by developing essential skills and self confidence through learning, living and work
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able2achieve supports individuals with learning disabilities, mental health, and other associated disabilities. We support individuals in a variety of different ways from everyday living skills to attending social events such as concerts.
Rather than the impersonal term client or service user we use the term Learner. Whilst more inclusive, the term learner also reminds us that we are all learners we all learn from each other and we are all motivated to do. Seeing ourselves as part of the learning process encourages the mutual respect that we feel is necessary for all individuals.
Mrs Gulliver - Parent to Learner Tom
"As a parent I have an enormous sense of pride when I visit the coffee shop the winking frog where Tom works. This is a venture begun by the company which provides Tom’s housing, the staff who work with him, and his day provision. As part of Tom’s day provision he works at the cafe interacting with customers, taking orders and serving food. All his work is fully supervised by able2achieve staff and with this full support Tom has learnt to use the till with verbal prompts and is now able to count out change into the customers hands. This is something I never thought I would see!"